Sometimes you want to connect to a different set of upstream nodes from an NGINX load balancer.
18 April 2014 • 3 min read
nginx load balancerWhen you’re creating load balancing configurations in NGINX, sometimes you are going to want to route traffic from a certain IP address to a different set of upstream nodes. This may be because you have a CI environment which uses the same load balancer (staging) or could be for other reasons.
Regardless, create your alternative upstream:
upstream defaultNodes {
server; # default nodes...
upstream alternativeNodes {
server; # new nodes...
Then in the server directive, add the condition (assuming the public IP you want to route is
location / {
proxy_pass http://defaultNodes/;
if ( $remote_addr ~* ) {
proxy_pass http://alternativeNodes;
Published on 18 April 2014
nginx load balancerbodged with ♥ in NCL, AMS, NAP, NYC, BOS and LDN